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The fast pace of technology innovation poses a significant risk to professional membership organizations. If you don’t keep up, your member experiences will suffer, and the success of your organization could be in jeopardy.
With this situation in mind, Momentive Software conducted a study about the evolution of technology in professional membership organizations.
Join Tristan Jordan, EVP, and Sig VanDamme, Membership Software Evangelist, as they reveal insights on the past, present, and future of member expectations and association technology.
This webinar will look at findings from the study plus recommendations on how to use the study’s data to more effectively employ technology to better serve your members.
You’ll learn answers to four key questions:
1. What are the perceptions and behaviors of today’s members toward technology, and how have they changed in recent years? (Hint: They like technology.)
2. How do members’ views and behaviors align with the digital experience professional membership organizations are providing? (Hint: They don’t always line up.)
3. How prepared are professional membership organizations to deliver the experience their members expect – today and in the future? (Hint: Not so much.)
4. What can professional membership organizations do now to ensure they deliver the digital experience members have come to expect? (Hint: A lot!)
Whether your organization is large or small (or somewhere in between), we’ll show you how you can use technology to meet (and exceed) your members’ expectations.